Meru Health


Meru Health imagines a world where people living with anxiety, stress, or depression can get on a path toward long-term health and well-being. Our goal was to help organize leadership within the organization to celebrate where they’ve been, assess where they are now, and look boldly into the future.


Inclusion is at the heart of what we do. We circulated a company-wide survey to hear why people at Meru Health showed up to work — what got them out of bed in the morning. That informed a series of workshops we held with their senior leadership over the course of a two-week sprint. Those sessions were all about unlocking stories, asking questions, and capturing their ambition through language. We delivered a brand strategy book that defined their purpose, values, brand proposition and positioning, and strategic recommendations for their future.


Meru Health is now better situated to compete within the market. They have clearly defined differentiators, a heartfelt brand and story, and strategic recommendations for the coming years.